IEU Awards 2023: Tony Capurso, St Thomas’ Sale

Every IEU member deserves an award for helping educate the next generation in ever more demanding workplaces, and Reps, who sacrifice their time so selflessly, always deserve commendation.

But there are some extra special stars we wanted to highlight for their outstanding work this year, and for many years.

Tony Capurso has been a constant of the union since its inception. The union office has member records for him commencing in 1998 and recording his stint as a Principal member in Donald the early 2000s.

Tony has been Rep many times over many years and for most of the past 10 years at St Thomas’ (Sale).

Current member density at St Thomas’ is 70%, testament to Tony’s active, hands-on approach. He has built great connections within the Sale area and fostered a collective IEU presence within the broader region by offering generous support and encouragement to Reps at other schools.

Tony’s warm welcome to travelling IEU Organisers has always been appreciated. He is the sort of Rep that helps forms the backbone of a union – constant, reliable, helpful, and knowledgeable.


IEU Awards 2023: Emma Rhodes and Kristi Cromer, Clonard College, Geelong


IEU Awards 2023: Xavier College Reps and members